Fulfil all COVID-19 Safe Restart Requirements and Challenges
Get up to 80% Advanced Digital Solutions (ADS) grant with Intellect Engineering Smart Technology (Hardware and Software) Solutions.




SAVE 80%
with your Advanced Digital Solutions Grant

As the Singapore government initiative to fund the local construction companies to offset the cost of adopting advanced digital solutions to help keep worksites safe. Enterprises can receive up to 80% funding support for the qualifying costs of digital solutions over a duration of 12 months. The digital equipment includes thermal scanners, biometric facial recognition systems, artificial intelligence (AI) cameras and Bluetooth-enabled wearables.
This will ease compliance process with BCA COVID-Safe Restart Criteria and control measure related administrative tasks. The ADS grant provides you with an 80% grant subsidy for your COVID-Safe hardware and software procurement.
Smart Digital Solutions to ensure Safe Management Measures at Workplace
Intellect Engineering COVIDSafe Restart Digital Solutions are developed to simplify your compliance processes and manage all the COVID safe restart criteria more effectively. Our solutions include:

Functionalities to operate Safely and Swiftly
Automates Identity Verification, Temperature taking and electronically record information
- Capture and record body temperature with contactless temperature screening for workers and visitors entering and leaving the worksite
- Identify each workers temperature to their profile using facial recognition
- Detect if the person is wearing mask prior to entry into premises, with high body temperature and deny accordingly
- Maintain and retrieve digital records for auditing purposes
Contact Training with Bluetooth Low Energy based wearables
- Comply better to safe management measures without the need of mobile phone app.
- Logging close contact encounters for contact training
- Perform Safe distancing alert in the event that 2 personnel get too close within 1m
- Sync automatically with the IoT download gateway to retrieve contact tracing logs to the Intellect Engineering platform
Manage worksite visibility and awareness in real-time with A.I camera
- Count the number of people at worksite and notifies in real time when site capacity exceeds a certain cut-off
- Instant alert for violation of safe distancing measure (SDM) at worksite
- Monitor unsafe behaviours (e.g., workers not wearing masks, overcrowding)
Conduct Digital Safety and Quality Inspections
- Eliminate tedious paperwork to apply Permit-To-Work (PTW)
- Real-time notifications for prompt actions required and approval or revoke should there be gaps
- Dynamic checklist and inspection builder for customisation
- Easy location and inspection findings with camera feature
- Real-time issuance of non-conformity reports (NCR)
- Instant revoke PTW in a safety breach
- Simplify the process of imposing and tracking administrative charges on safety violations
- Dashboard for easy analysis of safety data
- Real-time visibility of PTWs and Safety Inspections status
- Urgent safety issues can be quickly identified and resolved
- Safety records and data for assessment of subcontractors’ performance
- Capture and generate Non-conformity Reports (NCRs) i.e. defect observations or abnormality and Incident Reports using mobile devices
- Generate real-time key statistics and reports instantly
Daily Health Declaration Forms
- Digital health declaration forms prior to enter worksite
- Review all health declaration forms
- Maintain digital records for auditing processes
- Retrieve data anytime for submission to authority
Key Features
Personnel whitelisting
Ensure only healthy & authorised personnel can access worksites
Easy Control Site Access
Ensure worksites and workers are COVID safe
Visitor Management
Manage worksites’ registry of employees and visitors digitally in compliance with safe entry requirements
Contact Tracing, Safe Distancing and Crowd Management
Enforce Safe Distance Measures (SDM) at worksites at all times
Digitised Safety Management System
Streamline all safety processes onto a single platform and enable tracking safety data of all projects at all times
Digitised Quality Management System
Streamline all quality processes onto a single platform and enable tracking quality data of all projects at all times
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Use Intellect Engineering to restart operations safely, compliance with new norms, maintain productivity and build business resilience